Procedure Instructions
Most surgical procedures will be performed at Thibodaux Laser and Surgery Center, which is located in Thibodaux, across the hall from Advanced Eye Institute in the Medical Plaza.
Attention: If your eye drops prescribed by your doctor are NOT COVERED by your insurance OR if the cost causes a HARDSHIP call 985.447.7246
3 Days before your procedure
- Begin cleaning your eye twice a day (morning and night) on the eye that will be undergoing the procedure. This will help prevent infection. You can use a warm cloth with baby shampoo, or you can buy eyelid scrubs at any drugstore. (Detailed instructions below)
- Begin following your eye drop scheduled as specified at you pre-op scheduling appointment. These drops will help prevent infection and aid in the healing process.
The night before the procedure
- To help prevent nausea and vomiting, DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight. Please do not smoke after midnight as well.
The morning of the procedure
- Use eye drops as instructed.
- Take morning medications with a sip of water. If you are an insulin/pill dependent DIABETIC, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE DIABETIC MEDICINE.
- Please wear a short-sleeved shirt that buttons down the front and wear comfortable slacks or skirt. Men, please do not wear an undershirt, and ladies please do not wear a whole slip or camisole. Due to post anesthesia effects, a closed, supportive shoe is preferred.
- Please do not wear any jewelry, makeup, perfume or cologne.
- Please make sure an adult driver is available to stay with you during the procedure, take you home following the procedure and will be available to stay with you once you are home for several hours.
The day of your surgery, please bring the following items to Thibodaux Laser and Surgery Center
- A LIST of all medications you are currently taking including the name. (Name, milligrams and how many times a day you take them). DO NOT BRING MEDICATIONS.
- A list of your allergies and any reactions that occur with them.
- ALL EYE DROP Medications
- History and Physical form and any tests including x-ray reports or any other information of medical importance.
- Your medical ID cards.
- Please only have ONE person accompany you on the day or surgery.
- Check in at Thibodaux Laser and Surgery Center, located in Thibodaux at your scheduled time.
- If you have any questions prior to surgery please call (985) 447-7246
You will see your physician or regular eye care professional the next day for your post-operative appointment.
SAFETY: Due to oral anesthesia, patient may be sleepy, forgetful, and possibly unsteady for several hours after the procedure. A responsible adult should remain with the patient throughout the remainder of the day.
Pre Operative Lid Hygiene
The goal of lid hygiene is to rid the eyelids of debris and bacteria prior to your eye surgery.
- Begin by holding a clean wash cloth under warm/hot tap water. (The cloth should be hot, but not hot enough to burn you.) Wrap the cloth around your index finger, close your eyes and hold the cloth on you eyelids for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
- The next step can be done with either pre-moistened lid scrubs or baby shampoo and a clean wash cloth. Close your eye and gently scrub along lash margins to remove any crusting or debris. Thoroughly rinse your eyelids with warm water.

Experience You Can See
Thibodaux : 985-446-0506 | Houma : 985-879-2393